A dark eastern coyote is caught on camera trap as it hunts with his better-camouflaged pack mate in North Carolina. The largest [Eastern] coyote documented is 62 pounds, which is the same size as a small Eastern Wolf,” said Schadler. The coywolf is not a thing. The eastern coyote/coywolf in a nutshell. “All the animals in New England are this hybrid animal,” said Jon Way , a researcher involved with some of the recent studies that revealed the genetic makeup of Eastern Coyotes in Massachusetts. This is a vast difference from the coywolf hybrids, which can range from 60 to 80 pounds for females, and 70 to 110 pounds for males. They traveled an average distance of 19.3 miles (31 km) from the point of capture in a tagging study in Iowa, but one individual covered a whopping 200 miles (323 km) during that study (Novak 1999). COYWOLF SPECIES: Coywolf, Eastern coyote, Canis latrans x Canis lupus lycaon ORIGIN: The coywolf originated recently, it is a hybrid version. “A typical Midwest coyote would weigh 22 to 30 pounds, as opposed to a northeast coyote, which would weigh 32 to 38 pounds. RANGE: In Canada, coywolves (which also go by the name eastern coyotes) are flourishing in southern Ontario, Quebec and throughout the Maritime provinces. A coyote can cover a distance of about 2.5 miles (4 km) in a night while searching for a meal. Do not turn your back on a coyote or run away from a coyote. Talk of “coywolves” – a blend of coyote and wolf – is everywhere. Their larger size and increased bite-strength allows the coyote-wolf hybrid to hunt bigger prey like white-tailed deer, whereas, the largest prey coyotes can take down is a deer fawn. Coyote attacks on human are extremely rare but, if you encounter a coyote: Never feed or attempt to tame a coyote. By Roland Kays, North Carolina State University. Moreover, coywolf pups become sexually mature at 2 years of age, much later than in coyotes. What Is the Average Size of the Coyote’s Home Range? The average coywolf weighs in at 36 lbs and stands 23 inches at the shoulder. Coywolves tend to be a little larger and heavier than their western coyote counterparts, but still well below the size of even the smallest North American wolves. If approached, make loud noises and make yourself look big. The wolf on the right has a broad snout and large nose pad, with small ears relative to its head size. The following chart may help understand the distinction: A coywolf is a genetic hybrid between a wolf and a coyote, but the genetic difference is not 50/50. The coywolf stands between the two as regards to height and weight. If this fails, throw rocks or other objects, but not directly at the coyote. One is of a western coyote; the other, a Northeastern coyote or coywolf). IMPORTANT: Wolf pups in mid-summer and fall can closely resemble coyotes, and it can be nearly impossible to tell them apart. I have previously found coywolves to be significantly different in body size from both western coyotes and eastern wolves. How to Deal with Coyote. The coywolf, Way explains in his blog, is about 60 percent coyote, 30 percent wolf, and 10 percent dog. The coyote on the left has a narrow snout and small nose pad, with large ears relative to its head size. Benefits of Interbreeding. ... "In other words, you can't link the animals' larger body size and behaviors to genes.