The male betta must be full of energy and vigor. 3. What exactly do I need for the water? Another important factor is the size of the tank itself. I’ve never had this problem with any other fish in my large tank). Please check your facts. Level: Beginner-Advanced Is a 5 gallon tank big enough to put more than my betta in? Hoping to eventually move to 10 Gallon,when budget allows. Betta Fish Tank Mates: List of 10 Fish can a Betta live with; Betta Fish Tank Mates: List of 10 Fish can a Betta live with. Thank you, David, for the additional information. Its answered some of my questions. Thanks, Robert, Thanks for the notes everyone! If so how many of each would you recommend? Alina A. is a professional writer, editor, and pet-lover. The larger the tank the less the maintenance for water quality. Just know, all bettas and tank mates can react differently. Would he get along ok with a Fiddler/Red Claw crab? We are looking to add a few more fish to the tank, and I have a few questions: Both eat the same food too. Everything in a pet store should be considered temporary housing until it finds a good home. This may include lack of appetite, visible wounds (e.g. Don’t allow this to put you off getting a 5 gallon tank because you think he will be lonely – they are not a social species and will keep themselves separate from other fish in larger aquariums anyway.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-3','ezslot_17',119,'0','0'])); Instead of adding fish we recommend stocking the tank with some live plants for your Betta, like Amazonian Sword Plants or some Java Fern. The average lifespan for cory catfish in captivity is 2-3 years and their temperament is non-aggressive. Also, what medicine would you recommend for him (preferably something cheap but effective)? Color: Bronze So, if the ladies are going to be impressed with him, there are some important things to consider when choosing a male for breeding purposes. Cory Catfish: Cories are just about the most innocuous fish you are going to find. Level: Beginner Younger females tend to react better than elders who are used to seclusion. As for eating, you’ll also love watching them stuff their mouths with food using their little webbed feet! This allows for more freedom when choosing their tank mates. If you have a 10-gallon tank or you plan on upgrading soon, then the amount of betta tank mates you can choose from increases massively. Same goes with tetras, but they are compatible. BTW I love you site it is really educational and inspirational! His back fin is split in two now. The answer: Yes your Betta Fish can have tank mates, but you need to be careful or the tank mates might wind up as lunch for your Betta! Thank you! Female Betta Fish - Behavior, Tank Mates, Requirements; How Many Guppies in a 10 Gallon Tank? They make fantastic betta fish companions. It’s best to err on the side of caution, staying away from other territorial fish, bright colored, or top/surface feeders and dwellers. They’re not really good tank mates for bettas because I’ve got my halfmoon’s fin nipped by them. The males have beautiful bright colors which almost look like living rubies. Avoid tank mates with bright coloring and long fins. They’re almost indestructible (you don’t need a green-thumb), making them especially good for beginners. Are there other types of rasboras/tetras that bettas can get along with? I’m not sure if I should just unplug the filter overnight and see if it helps or what. As for the marine salt, you can still add some for the Fiddler just not nearly the recommended amount or the Betta will die. If it is in from of a window do I still need a light for the tank? If anyone could help me that would be wonderful, thank you! Hi! We’re thrilled to have you as part of our community. Dwarf frogs can grow up to 2.5 inches in length and live on average 5 years. We want our betta fish to have friends but we don’t know if the tetras were just too small and the only other fish in the tank, or if he’s just plain mean and needs his own separate tank! Misty. How Many Guppies in a 20 Gallon Tank? This allows for more fish to be kept in the tank as well as slightly larger fish. Guppies prefer the top and middle of the tank, and they will mostly refrain from going into the territory of the bettas. Female Betta tank mates.? If I have a 10 gallon tank (oval shaped) can I accommodate 1 Betta, a snail and 2 ghost shrimp? I know the filter cartridge need to be replaced in the big tank but I don’t have the money atm to get one yet, so he has to stay in the bowl till then. Purchase the correct minimum tank size for your community tank. You can add a snail if you’d like once his health has recovered if it’s in the 10-gallon. As you know, they’re called Siamese Fighting Fish for a reason! Another cool fish that can live with a betta is the Kuhli Loach because of their docile temperament. Upto 2 inches . Females can coexist together as tank companions in a sorority. Despite advising betta fish owners to avoid tank mates with bright colors, the neon tetra can do well with betta fish because of their speed. The minimum recommended tank size is 10-gallons (long horizontal tanks are better than tall vertical tanks). I’ve tried putting a mirror in front of him but they didn’t unclump. The rasbora is a shoaling fish that prefers to live with a school of 5 to 6 in a tank. Good tank mates for pretty much any betta, usually snails work great. What snails, plants, and possibly shrimp do you recommend? The only tank mate I can recommend for that size tank is a snail. During the process of searching for fish compatible with bettas, or Siamese Fighting Fish, you must consider the gender of the betta and characteristics of the other fish. That is way too many fish in such a small tank (minimum: 1 inch of fish per 1 gallon of water), he needs to be on his own in his own quarantine/hospital tank right now. This will give them plenty of space for necessary activity. (due to its dark colour). All comments are moderated before going live. Betta fish in the video are from the same brood and have been raised together as juveniles. Yes, they can, as long as you provide the right environment for both. Please answer soon as possible. Mystery snails are plant-safe and do well with bettas because of their docile nature. Do you recommend putting a snail into his tank? While some aquarists keep sorority tanks with multiple female betta fish, keeping betta fish together (males in particular) is going to result in a dead fish. If they don’t swim often like the ones in the little pet store cups that’s not good. They have a mutual relationship most of the time but sometimes they will rest on the same leaf together! Because of their aggressive nature, these fish should not be housed with slow moving species with large fins that could easily be mistaken for a Betta too. Scientific Name: Paracheirodon Innesi There is definitely a limit if you want your fish to be happy, healthy and not stressed or sick. My Male Veil Tail Betta is housed in a 55 gallon community tank with many different fish, including fancy guppies, and everyone lives together peacefully. Male aggression is also heightened when in the presence of other brightly colored fish that are a similar size. bettas neons tank-mates tetras. Believe it or not but my neons chase the betta trying to nip his tail fins. I’m grateful for the good information and informed dialog on this site!! 2.5-gallons is the recommended minimum size for just a betta fish by his or herself. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-box-3','ezslot_15',110,'0','0']));The Betta, or Siamese fighting fish, is one of the most popular fish in the aquarium hobby. Scientific Name: Corydoras Hi Sherry, if you are really keen to keep guppies and betta fish together, then this is the best way to do it, but there is still a risk of aggression. Adults can grow to around 2 inches in size, with an average lifespan of one year. My tanks is a 4 ft but due to moving place I’ve lost a lot of fishes and was thinking to get a Betta. Color: Orange-Red The 1-gallon per 1-inch of fish is a general rule of thumb, and is very helpful for beginners to not overcrowd their habitats and induce stress and dirty water. Therefore, a filter is necessary for a community tank. For a female sorority, you need to have at least 4-5 females to combat this problem so I would wait until you can replace the one’s who died. Your site is excellent! As for the reproduction, avoid any snails that reproduce on their own (don’t need a mate – asexually). Betta Fish Tank Mates. Am glad I found it online. #mysterysnails #mysterysnail #fishtank, A video posted by BETTA FISH (@bettafishorg) on Nov 2, 2015 at 8:05am PST, Scientific Name: Pomacea Bridgesii They are easy to care for and enjoy the same water conditions as bettas. Place one of your females in another tank or temporary container (even a plastic Tupperware container can work temporarily). Betta Tank Mates Based on Male and Female Keeping two or more Bettas in the same tank is not recommended because Betta fish is often to have some violent contacts with one or more other bettas. Providing insufficient tank conditions for your betta sorority will result in more stress for the fish, and may in … A second aquarium should always be kept ready, in case anything does go wrong. I would recommend the Marimo Moss Ball – one large one or a couple smaller ones. Some companions will need more than 5-gallons to thrive on their own, without the addition of a betta. The caveat here is when the water is too cold from not being heated or as a betta gets older they will become more lethargic in their activity levels. If possible, what are some suitable tank mates for a female betta in a 10 gallon that wouldn’t have too much bioload. Slow swimming fish are also not advisable as it’s likely they will be attacked. B. For this reason, some betta fish are so territorial they may never be able to cohabit with other tank mates. I have had my Half Moon Betta in a 6 gal. They can usually dart away quickly if they need to escape too. Learn how your comment data is processed. These creatures must be large enough so that they do not get eaten by the Betta and small enough that they don’t cause harm to the fish. How to Protect Betta Fish Tank Mates . He is in a 10 gallon tank with three bottom feeders. What female fish can be with a male betta fish and make love? Scientific Name: Panaque Maccus, Dwarf Loricariid Betta fathers nest and care for their offspring while the mothers don’t participate. I have a female beta too with two neon tetras in a separate 2 gallon tank with filter. You could realistically keep some in a 5-gallon tank, but too many in a small tank will lead to bioload issues and even aggressiveness towards their own kind if overstocked. I misread 60L…thought he said 60g. However, this will depend on each fish’s temperament as you will get some that are more aggressive than others. Males tend to be slightly smaller than females and the species also enjoys at least 2 per tank. Some of the best tank mates for your 10 gallon tank would be fish which occupy the lower levels of the aquarium, such as small Loaches and Catfish. The idea would be that they breed in the vegetation and the betta (and other fish) would eat them and keep the numbers down. Color: Orange to Pink Body, Distinct Black Triangle, and Red Hue Fins Best not to house them together regardless of the tank size. Long-finned species are not recommended as they will easily be mistaken for another male fighting fish and will likely be killed.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_20',116,'0','0'])); Any small shoaling fish which are not brightly colored would make great tank mates for male Bettas, here is a list of fish which meet these criteria: Fish which occupy a separate area to Bettas are also an excellent choice – these bottom dwellers would be perfect as they will not invade the Betta’s territory: Adding plants to the aquarium will increase the habitat’s complexity which has been proven to reduce aggression. I just recently won, but have not yet received, an aquaponic & hydroponic 3 gallon betta tank. Male bettas do not like to play nicely with others, and this can be a problem when you’re setting up a larger community tank. answer #2. shutrfly. After adding a companion to the same tank, monitor for signs of stress in your betta and the other companions over several days. He also gets commercial Betta flakes but obviously prefers the worms, and, jerking that little wiggly thing from my fingers makes him feel all macho & “flarey”…..little fishy-BIG STUFF!! This is known as a community tank and can house more than two kinds of species. Predatory species should also be avoided. Best Tank Mates for Bettas. Keeping betta fish with other kinds of fish can be tricky unless you know what you’re getting yourself into. You should never keep a single fish in the same tank as a Siamese fighting fish as they will constantly bully the same individual. 147 147. They also need brackish water for viable offspring. The frogs come to the surface to get air since they have lungs and not gills. Written by. I will not be able to breed any betta food in another tank, so I’m wondering if it is possible to keep some kind of shrimp or similar (as food) in the same tank as the betta. Right now I have them separated with the tetras in the 10 gallons and the betta fish in a small half gallon which makes me feel bad please help… thanks! They are also relatively easy to care for. 2. I would also look into getting an adjustable flow filter where you can slow it down. Also could we talk through email? Any betta fish, male or female, can live peacefully with non-aggressive fish that aren't colorful or look like them. Sometimes it looks like it’s just a chasing game and can be comical. Can they live with Bettas? So my girlfriend and I bought some neon tetras (3) and our betta fish killed one of the tetras in the first five minutes of being together in the tank. Once the female Betta lays her eggs, her mate chases her away and corrals the eggs into his bubble nest, where he tends to them until they hatch. Nerite snails do not reproduce asexually. Throughout history, the betta fish or Siamese fighting fish was continuously bred for … I didn’t know much about female betta… Feel so stupid. This section will cover any non-fish inhabitants that with make the best tank mates for both male and female Betta. Level: Beginner-Medium* A good way to tell if they are happy is by how much they swim. Neon tetras also like heavily planted tanks with lots of places to hide, just like the betta. While fancy guppy’s aren’t good tankmates because of their colorful fins, can we use a black moscow guppy as a betta tank mate? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It’s hard for me to give you an answer to that. Bloodworms are a great SNACK for many different species. So, you can keep this crustacean in your aquatic family. You obviously know your betta better than I do. I have a 20 gal Long that houses an Axolotl salamander, a 5.5 gal with a Crowntail Betta & to maintain a constant (& affordable) food supply for the Axolotl, I also keep a worm farm. I don’t want to overcrowd the tank, and I have only worked with 1-2 gallons before, so I don’t really want to mess this up. I was chastised for keeping a sorority recently after asking for advice on treating fin rot. They are very active and like to explore their surroundings. He would just flare up and swim around it but not like he use to. The water in a betta fish's tank should be kept between 75 to 86 Fahrenheit. I was able to remove the bottom feeders from the bowl and fill the bowl up with distilled water. Make sure to avoid the Common Pleco however, because it has the ability to grow up to two feet long! Very helpful! Would cherry barbs be okay? Thanks so much! 3. I always made out good with neons and white cloud minnows, every type of fresh water shrimp I could find, cories, plecos, khuli loaches and dwarf african frogs. Hi Arielle. .large-mobile-banner-2-multi{display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;min-height:400px;min-width:580px;text-align:center !important;}eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_13',117,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_14',117,'0','1'])); A Betta sorority is a tank which contains at least 5 female Betta fish. This is good if you have aggressive females they would not identify a specific target for attack. Always acclimate tank mates to reduce stress and shock. Their temperament is relatively docile, so you won’t have to worry about them nipping at your betta. 1. How Many Guppies in a 5 Gallon Tank? Any general tips would be welcomed! What a fantastic site! Betta Tank Mates For 10 Gallon Tanks. What tank mates can I add to my Betta sorority in a 10g I was thinking maybe 4 Cory’s and 4-6 neon Tetra What do you guys think I should do? I couldn’t return them since I’m one hour away from pet store. We had to switch them around a lot when we were trying to get the water right. You’ll get more enjoyment out of them too, as they are a vibrant green. This is an experiment that male Betta fish do get along with other male fish however they eat at different time periods. 4. My aquarium has been unused for too long and I’m thinking of starting it up again and getting some new fish. Thanks again for all the other great betta info you have here, I like to learn as much as I can! Avoid terri… Another algae eater that can be compatible with the betta is the clown pleco. 4. Each recommended tankmate requires a similar water pH level of around 7.0-8.0 and tropical temperatures in the range of 72-81 degrees fahrenheit. Thank you for a giving me so much good information! I have regular and long fin zebras, they get along great with my beta and have no nipping problems. 4 Betta female sorority what tank mates. One main difference on tank mates when comparing to male betta fish is the ability to keep multiple females together in one aquarium tank. They are peaceful, easy-to-care for, and ideal for community aquariums. Is there really a limit or is that just subjective? I read and hear a lot about how many fish are to be kept in a home tank depending on the size of tank. With females, you don’t really need to worry about the coloration of the tank mates – this means you can keep more brightly colored fish in the aquarium with them. Would either or both be appropriate for this small of a tank? This is known as a community tank and can house more than two kinds of species. Obviously, this would not be their only food. Male Betta Tank Mates And Tips For Bigger Aquariums. Thanks so much for the advice. I always feel sad that most pet stores rarely have betas in a tank so people think they only need that sad little bowl, with me they get a tank with dual filtration and lots of plants and other members of the community. Thanks! With their stunning appearance and their shy and peaceful temperament, it’s no surprise that they have grown very [Continue reading …]. Even when feeding he kinda sits there then occasionally eats. With average lifespans around 4 years, they will also bring years of joy to a community tank. Are there any fish suitable for a 10 gallon that has the same character that I love so much in betta? The answer depends on the size of the habitat and how it is set up. Scientific Name: Trigonostigma heteromorpha Bloodworms are seen as a betta fish snack and they also prefer betta food however if I were to get other tank mates should I also get regular fish flakes and would that make the betta sick? To replenish the water I would use a gallon jug of fresh water that I had filled when I cleaned the tanks the week before, thus tempering the water. Bryan. Plus, they don’t reproduce asexually like some snails which can cause an invasion. Color: Transparent The Betta is a fish with lots of vibrant colors so when selecting tank mates to keep with male bettas or female bettas in a community, you’ll want to provide Fish that are not aggressive and don’t have any long fins or colors that may intimidate the males. Cleaning frequency depends on the size of the tank you eventually get. why does a ghost shrimp need a 10 gallon tank they’re only 1 inch and I’ve seen two live in a 1.5 gallon tank, with two female bettas. In my next place I plan on 2 50 gallon tanks. I am fininding this site incredibly helpful. Remember that if they are too small then the Betta will eat them. It should also be noted that female Betta fish are able to be grouped together in what is called a sorority, so long as there are at least 5 to 7 females in the tank and that there are no overly-aggressive ones that will disturb the sorority balance. Bettas aren’t fish that require company, so it’s no problem to keep them on their own. All depending on what is available where I live. I currently have my male Betta in a 3.5 gallon tank with an otocinclus. 4 Betta female sorority what tank mates. Scientific Name: Thalassinidea In the pet stores their tanks hold quite a lot of fish at one time and they seem to do fine. Monitor tank mates closely for at least 72 hours or more. 1. It has an incredibly peaceful nature and along with its small size makes it a perfect tank mate to Betta fish. ( has 2 mollies, 5 swordtails, 2 platies, 10 + or – neons, 4 red eye tetras, 4 Cory cats, an algae eater and a large pleco that’s around a foot long) can I put them together or do I need to start another tank? Copyright © 2021 - Fishkeeping World - All Rights Reserved. Prolonged stress and fighting will only lead to sick or dead fish. In this article, I’ve chosen to discuss the best Betta fish tank mates if you’re looking to choose a tank mate for Betta fish. All information, content, materials on this site, or obtained from a website to which the site is linked are provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind either express or implied. As I had many house plants, to “clean” the tanks, I would use a turkey baster to suck water and yuck from each tank and water the plants with it .. the plants loved it. You’ll love watching them navigate around the tank, using their siphon for air at the surface, and watching their tentacles meander around. If you have a large enough space and a Betta that is not aggressive, Betta’s can live with many different types of fish in perfect harmony. A long narrow tank is recommended for plenty of horizontal swimming space. I have a ten gallon tank with 3 female bettas (I only got them a week ago), a couple of ghost shrimp, and lots of live plants. Scientific Name: Pangio Kuhlii So I put her back in her tank. Your email address will not be published. I would start with a school of neon tetras and the embers, see how they do before adding a loach which needs a minimum of 20 gallons. Instead, we recommend keeping Betta fish with species that shoal and look to keep them in a group of at least 5. Your site and info has me leaning towards a snail now, they sound pretty cool, but I’ve read that snails can multiply out of control and I want to avoid that headache if possible! For a 60L/15Gallon tank, I’d say you are already well-over the maximum bioload of inhabitants that I’d recommend. I wouldn’t suggest a frog though. Small shoaling fish are great options. .leader-1-multi{display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;min-height:400px;min-width:580px;text-align:center !important;}eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-1','ezslot_3',114,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-1','ezslot_4',114,'0','1'])); It is essential that the species you choose are not known for nipping at the fins of other fish. I had a male betta in each. You’d be best suited adding a diversity of bottom, mid-level and surface dwellers in order to provide ample space for each to live a quality life. In short, yes they can, but be prepared to monitor closely how they react together. same here, my male Betta and neon are fine together.